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kGonalNodalCurves :: canonicalMultipliers

canonicalMultipliers -- compute the canonical multipliers of a rational curves with nodes



This function is identic to the function "canonicalMultipliers" from the M2 package NodalCurves. Given g pairs of points Pi, Qi, on PP1 computes the canonical series of the corresponding nodal curve of genus g and determines the g ratios Ai of the glueing data for the canonical bundle (note that Ai depends on the choice of the homogeneous coordinates of the point Pi and Qi).

Step 1.We compute g quadrics qi qi :=det(Pi | (x0,x1)t) * det(Qi | (x0,x1)t). and a basis of H0(C,ωC) by {si :=∏gj≠i,j=1qi | i=1,...,g }.

Step 2. We compute the multipliers ai=si(Pi) and bi=si(Qi)

Ways to use canonicalMultipliers :