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kGonalNodalCurves :: sparseKoszulMatrix

sparseKoszulMatrix -- computes list specifying the size of the critical Koszul map, the nonzero entries and the position of those



The function works the same as the function "sparseKoszulMatrixForPrymCurve" in the M2 package NodalCurves.

Computes the nonzero entries of the Koszul map whose rank determines the critical Betti number and the position of these entries. Builds a list containing the characteristic of the ground field, the numer of rows, the number of columns and a list containing the nonzero entries of the critical Koszul map and the position of these entries.

i1 : (k,g,n)=(4,8,1000);
i2 : I=idealOfNodalCurve(k,g,n);

o2 : Ideal of ----[t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t ]
              1009  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
i3 : (charkk,rows,cols,entr)=sparseKoszulMatrix(I);
i4 : A1=getBackMatrix(charkk,rows,cols,entr);

              ZZ  120        ZZ  90
o4 : Matrix (----)    <--- (----)
             1009           1009
i5 : A2=criticalKoszulMap(I);

              ZZ  120        ZZ  90
o5 : Matrix (----)    <--- (----)
             1009           1009
i6 : rank A1==rank A2

o6 = true
i7 : m=ceiling((g-1)/2);
i8 : loadPackage("extrasForTheKernel",Reload=>true);
i9 : (Tred,Ired)=artinianReduction(I);
i10 : rank(ker A1)- binomial(g-2,m+1)

o10 = 4
i11 : betti res Ired

             0  1  2  3  4  5 6
o11 = total: 1 15 39 50 39 15 1
          0: 1  .  .  .  .  . .
          1: . 15 35 25  4  . .
          2: .  .  4 25 35 15 .
          3: .  .  .  .  .  . 1

o11 : BettiTally

See also

Ways to use sparseKoszulMatrix :

  • sparseKoszulMatrix(Ideal)