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MatFac15 :: curveFromMatrixFactorization

curveFromMatrixFactorization -- compute the curve C associated to the matrix factorization



Given a matrix factorization (M0,M1) of a cubic f of format as indicarted in o5 below (or transposed,interchained or twisted) the ideal defined from the monad

0 ←⊕3 OX ←F ←⊕3 OX(-1) ←0

where F =coker M0(-3) is a rank 7 vectorbundle on the cubic hypersurface X=V(f) will be computed.

i1 : kk=ZZ/10007;S=kk[x_0..x_4];
i3 : N=constructEx3(S);
i4 : (M0,M1) = matrixFactorizationFromModule(N);
i5 : betti M0, betti M1

              0  1          0  1
o5 = (total: 18 18, total: 18 18)
          0: 18 15      1: 15  .
          1:  .  3      2:  3 18

o5 : Sequence
i6 : C = curveFromMatrixFactorization(M0,M1);

o6 : Ideal of S
i7 : codim C, degree C, genus C

o7 = (3, 16, 15)

o7 : Sequence

Ways to use curveFromMatrixFactorization :

  • curveFromMatrixFactorization(Matrix,Matrix)