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VarietyOfPolarSimplices :: equationsInThePaper

equationsInThePaper -- Write down the equations for $V_h^{aff}(n)$ of the paper



A copy of the equations of the paper from Lemma 5.5 and Lemma 5.8 of the paper
i1 : p=0,n=5

o1 = (0, 5)

o1 : Sequence
i2 : (R,A,I)=unfoldingEquations(p,n);
i3 : time betti(J=flatteningRelations(R,A,I))
     -- used 0.0456833 seconds

            0  1
o3 = total: 1 30
         0: 1  8
         1: . 15
         2: .  6
         3: .  1

o3 : BettiTally
i4 : time (lin,J1)=equationsInThePaper(n,A); betti J1
     -- used 0.0158674 seconds

            0  1
o5 = total: 1 30
         0: 1  8
         1: . 15
         2: .  6
         3: .  1

o5 : BettiTally
i6 : J==J1 -- is what we claim in the paper

o6 = true

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