====== Web Access ====== How can you access the web pages of http:/www.uni-saarland.de -> Ask atComputercenter http://hiz-saarland.de How can you access the workgroup (AGs) web pages of http:/www.math.uni-sb.de See here: ===== MacOS X ===== Install OXFUSE and SSHFS #!/bin/bash # Aus: https://coderwall.com/p/tixbrq/mount-remote-dir-in-the-osx-finder-using-sshfs-and-homebrew - 2016 # Variablen REMOTEPORT=22 REMOTEUSER=username # put username from amth department here REMOTESERVER="contact.math.uni-sb.de" REMOTEDIR= MOUNTP=~/mnt VOLNAME=contact # reset mount umount -f $MOUNTP mkdir -pv $MOUNTP # mount dir #sshfs $REMOTEPORT $REMOTEUSER@$REMOTESERVER:$REMOTEDIR $MOUNTP \ sshfs $REMOTEUSER@$REMOTESERVER:$REMOTEDIR $MOUNTP \ -oauto_cache,reconnect,defer_permissions,noappledouble,negative_vncache,volname=$VOLNAME Best is to synchronize first with the jumphost ''contact.math.uni-sb.de'', and then trigger ''rsync'' to your homedir e.g. on ''gemini'' and then perhaps to the webspace.