sysadmin: [[systemverwaltung:internal:software:matlab|Matlab]], [[systemverwaltung:internal:software#maple|Software Maple]], [[systemverwaltung:internal:software|Software]] \\ You can find information about usage here. ====== Mathematische Software ====== * ''freemat'' (some kind of free //matlab// alternative) * ''julia'' AG Brandhorst * ''kbruch'' KDE compliant (1) * ''kalgebra'' KDE compliant; Handbuch zu KAlgebra, Aleix Pol, Übersetzung: Burkhard Lück, Version 0.11 (KDE 4.11) (2013-06-27) * ''M2'' //macaulay2// (1).User: [[#Macaulay2]] * ''magma'' Magma V2.20-10 (1). For Users: [[#magma]], (For Inst.: [[systemverwaltung:internal:software#magma|Software Magma]] ) * ''maple'' Maple 17 (X86 64 LINUX) (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2013 (1). Admin: [[systemverwaltung:internal:software#maple|Software Maple]], User: [[#maple]] * ''mathematica'' [[]] * ''matlab'' Versions: R2012a, R2014b, R2015a. (1) Admin: [[systemverwaltung:internal:software:matlab|Matlab]], User: [[#matlab]] * ''maxima'' and with GUI: ''wxmaxima'' (1), User: [[#maxima]] * ''octave'' imitates MATLAB for learning purposes and it is open source. * ''sage'' [[|sage multiuser]] User: [[#sage]] * ''sage'' (Computer Algebra), User: [[#sage]] * ''singular'' (Computer Algebra), User: [[#singular]] * ''surfex'' (1). Admin: [[systemverwaltung:internal:software#surfex|Software surfex]], User: [[#surfex]] (1) Installed on LTSP-Compute Hosts, personal Laptops, ... Software coming with KDE, Ubuntu, Debian and other package managers or distributed via asknet or other contracts with UdS. ====== Macaulay2 ====== Info: [[wp>macaulay2]], [[|Macaulay2 Home]] user@host~/$ M2 Macaulay2, version 1.5 with packages: ConwayPolynomials, Elimination, IntegralClosure, LLLBases, PrimaryDecomposition, ReesAlgebra, TangentCone i1 : Installation Debian Linux: ====== magma ====== Info: [[wp>magma (computer algebra system)]], [[|Magma Home]], read file: ''less /usr/magma/README.txt'' More general: [[wp>magma (algebra)]] Command line: ''magma'' ^Full version 23.7.2015 login required^Releases^ ^^ | AMD64/Intel64 (Linux) |V2.21-5 | | Mac OS X |V2.21-5 | |i386/PC (Windows) |V2.20-10 | |AMD64/Intel64 (Solaris) |V2.18-9 |Sparc (Solaris) 64-bit |V2.18-9 | |Intel 64-bit Itanium 2 |V2.18-9 | ^Student version^Releasees^ |Mac OS X | | |i386/PC (Linux) 32bit | | |i386/PC (Windows) 32bit |V2.20-10| Prof. Brandhorst Lizenz für Vollversion: (reachable only inside University) ====== maple ====== Info: [[wp>maple (software)]], [[|Maple Home]], [[|Maple online Help]] Command line; ''maple''; Graphical UI: ''xmaple &'' **Maple 2020** jetzt auf allen d9-* Servern verfügbar unter /opt/maple/bin/maple /opt/maple/bin/xmaple ====== matlab ====== Info: [[wp>Matlab]], [[|Matlab Home]] mit Video. Wer Matlab ohne Terminal oeffnen will, kann dies mit der Option "-desktop" erreichen. Also entweder eine Menueverknuepfung oder per ALT+F2: matlab -desktop Setzen Sie für '''' eine der Versionen R2012a, R2014b oder R2015a ein: ls /usr/local/MATLAB/ /usr/local/MATLAB//bin/matlab matlab -> /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015b/bin/matlab\\ mbuild -> /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015b/bin/mbuild\\ mcc -> /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015b/bin/mcc\\ mex -> /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015b/bin/mex\\ ===== Troubleshooting ===== ==== Matlab and locale ==== ''Error: ''locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid'' user@host:~$ matlab terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid Aborted Simply typing LC_ALL="en_US.utf8" on the bash shell command line did not help. Instead, you should add: export LC_ALL="en_US.utf8" to your ''.bash_profile'' ====== maxima ====== Info: [[wp>maxima (software)]], [[|maxima Home]] Command line: ''maxima'' GUI: ''wxmaxima &'' ====== sage ====== Stand: 16.9.2015 Info: Sourcecode aller gängiger Algebrasysteme wird hier zukünftig vereinigt. Schnelle Berechnung mit dünn besetzten Matrizen. Die linearen Algebraroutinen sind hier schnell. Imstalliert in ''/usr/local/share/sage-[4|6].8/'' und in ''/usr/local/share/sage/SageMath/'' Aufruf mit ''/usr/local/bin/sage'' (script for different hosts. Call ''sage'' via command line) * sage 4.8 for squeeze like on ''taurus'', ''aries'' * sage 6.8 for wheezy like on ''virgo'', ''gemini'' * sage 7.0 for jessie like on ''leo'' Aufruf am Beispiel ''gemini'' über das Skript ''/usr/local/bin/sage'': $ sage Working on gemini ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ SageMath Version 6.8, Release Date: 2015-07-26 │ │ Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface. │ │ Type "help()" for help. │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ====== singular ====== Stand: 16.9.2015 Info: Computeralgebrasystem aus Kaiserslautern. Ein Algorithmus der nicht in macaulay enthalten ist. see: In der Paketverwaltung von z.B. "Debian 7 wheezy" (LTSP Hosts: gemini, virgo, aries, leo) ist Version 3-0-4-3.dfsg-3 Aufruf: ''Singular'' @[LTSP-host]:~$ Singular SINGULAR / Development A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations / version 3-0-4 0< by: G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann \ Nov 2007 FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern \ > * Update auf 4.0.2 aus git repo: * Update 4.1.1 unter __Debian 9 stretch__ auf **leo**: zum Testen (13.2.2018) @leo:~$ Singular SINGULAR / Development A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations / version 4.1.1 0< by: W. Decker, G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann \ Feb 2018 FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern \ > Auf Wiedersehen. ====== surfex ====== Info: [[wp>surfex]] maybe you can write this article!, [[|Surfex Home]] Command called with ''/usr/local/bin/surfex''