Conference for Young Researchers in Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry

University of Bonn, 6−8 October 2014

The lecture series by Daniel Huybrechts:
Sporadic simple groups and K3 surfaces

There is mysterious connection between certain sporadic simple groups and K3 surfaces. It all started with a paper by Mukai who observed that finite groups of symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces can be characterized as subgroups of the Mathieu group M23. Recently, it has become clear that there is such a link also on the level of derived categories. Here, the Mathieu group is replaced by the even bigger Conway group.

In these three lectures I shall first review Mukai's classical result (following Kondo), then talk about derived categories and stability conditions (mainly on derived categories of K3 surfaces) and explain the derived version of Mukai's result. There might also be a bit about elliptic genera and conformal field theories (from a Hodge theoretical point of view), but most of the techniques are from lattice theory and homological algebra.


Vladimir Lazić <lazic [add]>
Universität Bonn
Nikita Semenov <semenov [add]>
Universität Mainz

Date, Venue, How to Enroll

The conference and the lecture series will take place on 6−8 October 2014 at the Mathematical Institute, University of Bonn, Germany. Click here for location and directions − all talks will be in the Lipschitz Room in the main building of the institute at Endenicher Allee 60, 53115 Bonn. Please contact Mrs Ute Sachinidis <sachinid [add]> if you would like to participate − the registration deadline is 5 September 2014. Limited funding is available for young participants.

Supporting Institutions

The conference is made possible by the support of the project SFB/TR 45 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

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