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NumericalGodeaux :: calculationOfTheUnirationalParametrizationOfTorsZ5Lines

calculationOfTheUnirationalParametrizationOfTorsZ5Lines -- describe the unirational parametrization of the locus of Z/5-lines



Given the rational numbers or any finite field represented as a string, the procedure displays a string of M2-operations which calculate a unirational parametrization of the locus of lines in Q leading generically to numerical Godeaux surfaces with torsion group ℤ/5.

i1 : calculationOfTheUnirationalParametrizationOfTorsZ5Lines("QQ")

o1 = kk = value(s);
       s = toString(1111);
       (relLin,relPfaf,d1',d2,Ms) = setupGodeaux(kk,s);
       lociE = lowerRankLociE(d1',relPfaf);
       -- choose the P3s among the loci
       lociEP3 = select(lociE,c-> codim c == 8);
       Sa = getP11(relPfaf);
       Q = sub(ideal relPfaf,Sa);
       -- L gives the list of P1xP1's inside P3xP3's leading to Z/5-Godeaux surfaces: 
       L = lineConditionsTorsZ5(first lociEP3,last lociEP3,d1',relPfaf);
       -- we choose the first P1xP1; the others are equivalent under the S4-operation
       (comp0,comp1) = first L;
       -- introduce coordinates for the P1xP1:
       P1xP1 = kk[u_0..v_1,Degrees=>{2:{1,0},2:{0,1}}]
       -- the generic point in the first P1:
       genPoint0 =vars Sa % sub(comp0,Sa)
       entriesGenPoint0 =flatten entries genPoint0;
       -- the generic point in the second P1:
       genPoint1 =vars Sa % sub(comp1,Sa);
       entriesGenPoint1 =flatten entries genPoint1;
       pos0 = positions(entriesGenPoint0, i-> i!=0);
       pos1 = positions(entriesGenPoint1, i-> i!=0);
       P1xP1xP1 = kk[u_0..v_1,x_0,x_1,Degrees => {2:{1,0,0},2:{0,1,0},{0,1,1},{1,0,1}}]
       -- P1xP1xP1 is a P(O(1,0) ++ O(0,1)) -> P1xP1
       -- the general line is given by:
       phi = map(P1xP1xP1,Sa,apply(2,i-> entriesGenPoint0_(pos0_i) => x_0*u_i) | apply(2,i-> entriesGenPoint1_(pos1_i) => x_1*v_i) | apply(select(12,j-> not member(j,pos0|pos1)),i-> Sa_i => 0_P1xP1xP1))
       -- the following two points span a general line leading to a Z/5-Godeaux surface:
       phi0 = map(P1xP1,Sa,sub(diff(x_0,phi.matrix),P1xP1))
       phi1 = map(P1xP1,Sa,sub(diff(x_1,phi.matrix),P1xP1))

Ways to use calculationOfTheUnirationalParametrizationOfTorsZ5Lines :