Table of Contents

Operations for two-colored partitions

The set $\Pscr^{\circ\bullet}$ of two-colored partitions forms a strict involutive monoidal category via the operations of composition, tensor product and involution.


Given two-colored partitions $p,p'\in\Pscr^{\circ\bullet}$ the pairing $(p,p')$ is called composable if the upper row of $p$ and the lower row of $p'$ agree in size and coloring.

If $(p,p')$ is composable, if for every $x\in \{p,p'\}$ we denote the lower row of $x$ by $R_{L,x}$ and the upper row by $R_{U,x}$, if we identify $R_{U,p}$ and $R_{L,p'}$ with each other and if

$$ s=(\{B\backslash R_{L,p}\,\vert\, B\text{ block of } p\}\backslash\{\emptyset\})\vee (\{B'\backslash R_{U,p'}\,\vert\, B'\text{ block of } p'\}\backslash\{\emptyset\}),$$

is the join of the partitions induced by $p$ on $R_{U,p}$ and by $p'$ on $R_{L,p'}$, then the composition of $(p,p')$ is given by the two-colored partition $pp'$ with lower row $R_{L,p}$, with upper row $R_{U,p'}$, with blocks

$$ \left\{\left(\bigcup_{\substack{B\text{ block of }p\\B\cap D\neq \emptyset}}(R_{L,p}\cap B)\right)\,\cup\,\left(\bigcup_{\substack{B'\text{ block of }p'\\B'\cap D\neq \emptyset}}(R_{U,p'}\cap B')\right)\,\bigg\vert\, D\text{ block of }s\right\}\backslash\{\emptyset\},$$

and with the coloring of $p$ on $R_{L,p}$ and that of $p'$ on $R_{U,p'}$.

Tensor Product

If $p_1,p_2\Pscr^{\circ\bullet}$ are two-colored partitions, if for every $i\in\{1,2\}$ we denote the lower row and its total order of $p_i$ by $(R_{L,p_i},\leq_{L,p_i})$ and, likewise, the upper row by $(R_{U,p_i},\leq_{U,p_i})$ and if we denote the coloring of $p_i$ by $c_{p_i}:R_{L,p_i}\cup R_{U,p_i}\to \{\circ,\bullet\}$, then tensor product of $(p_1,p_2)$ is given by the two-colored partition satisfying the following conditions:


For any two-colored partition $p\in\Pscr$, if we denote by $(R_L,\leq_L)$ the lower row and by $(R_U,\leq_L)$ the upper row of $p$, by $\pi$ the blocks of $p$ and by $c:R_L\sqcup R_U\to\{\circ,\bullet\}$ the coloring of $p$, then the involution of $p$ is given by the partition $p^\ast$ whose lower row is $(R_U,\leq_U)$, whose upper row is $(R_L,\leq_L)$, whose blocks are $\pi$ and whose coloring is $c$.