Two-Colored Partition

Two-colored partitions are the objects at the heart of the combinatorial description of the co-representation categories of a particular class of compact matrix quantum groups, the so-called unitary easy quantum groups, via categories of two-colored partitions.


We say that $p$ is a two-colored partition if there exist two totally ordered finite (not necessarily non-empty) sets $(R_L,\leq_L)$, the lower row, and $(R_U,\leq_U)$, the upper row of $p$, a set-theoretical partition $\pi$ of a disjoint union $R_L\sqcup R_U$ of $R_L$ and $R_U$ and a mapping $c:R_L\sqcup R_U\to \{\circ,\bullet\}$, the coloring of $p$, such that $p=(\pi,c)$.

The set of all two-colored partitions is denoted by $\Pscr^{\circ\bullet}$.

The elements of $R_L$ are called lower points and those of $R_U$ upper points. And for all $k,\ell\in \{0\}\cup \N$ we write $\Pscr^{\circ,\bullet}(k,\ell)$ for the set of all two-colored partitions with $k$ upper and $\ell$ lower points.