Simon Schmidt

Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung Mathematik
Postfach 151150
66041 Saarbrücken

Zimmer 219 (Gebäude E 2 4)
Telefon:   0681-302-2230
E-mail: [at]


  • Schmidt, S.; Vogeli, Chase; Weber, Moritz
    Uniformly vertex-transitive graphs
    arXiv:1912.00060 [math.CO], 17 pages (2019).

  • Nechita, Ion; Schmidt, S.; Weber, Moritz
    Sinkhorn algorithm for quantum permutation groups
    arXiv:1911.04912 [math.QA], 16 pages (2019).

  • Eder, Christian; Levandovskyy, Viktor; Schanz, Julien; Schmidt, S.; Steenpass, Andreas; Weber, Moritz
    Existence of quantum symmetries for graphs on up to seven vertices: a computer based approach
    arXiv:1906.12097 [math.QA, math.CO], 15 pages + appendix (2019).


Aktualisiert: 8 Juni 2020   Simon Schmidt Impressum