Class: Tue and Thu 14-16 in SR 6, Building E 2.4
Lectures: Dr. Tobias Columbus and Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen
Contact: columbus [at]
Office hours: By appointment
Teaching assistant: Christian Steinhart
Contact: steinhart [at]
Office hours: By appointment, or just check at room 303, Building E 2.4
Topics: Groups, rings and fields. More precisely, we plan to cover the following topics:
- Actions of groups, Sylow theorems, solvable groups.
- Rings, ideals, factorial rings, principal ideal domains, polynomial rings and Gauss's lemma.
- Algebraic and transcendental field extensions, degree of field extensions, Galois theory and solvability of equations by roots.
Prerequisites: Linear algebra
Literature: e.g. Siegfried Bosch, "Algebra", Springer 2013.
Problem classes:
- The question session will take place mondays from 14 Uhr (ct) to 16 Uhr in HS3 statt.
- The tutorial will take place fridays from 8 Uhr(ct) to 10 Uhr in SR 1.
Problems and notes: See German page.