Dates: Monday, 12:00 (st) - 14:00 (Hs IV, 2.4) + Wednesday, 10:00 (p.m.) - 12:00 (SR 6, 2.4)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen
contact: weitze [at]
office hours: please contact me by email or just check whether I am here (room 301, E 2.4)
Teaching Assistant: Christian Steinhart
contact: steinhart [at]
office hours: whenever I am here and wednesday 14-16 (room 302, E 2.4)
Tutorials: thursday 12 (ct) SR2
- The theory of valuations; the p-adic numbers, local
elds, higher ramification theory. - An outline of class eld theory; ring of adeles and
idele group. - Zeta functions and L-series
The lecture Number Theory I preferably
- J.W.S Cassels, A. Fröhlich: Algebraic Number Theory
- H.Koch: Zahlentheorie
- S. Lang: Algebraic Number Theory
- J. Neukirch: Algebraic Number Theory
Exercise Sheets:
see german site