What are operator spaces ? - An online dictionary

(Beta-Version January 2001)

The theory of operator spaces is a young and very active area in functional analysis. Our aim is to give an overview of the central notions and most important results.

In order to sketch the main lines of research without getting lost in technical details, we have chosen a dictionary type presentation providing a "virtual" overview of the theory: thus we will not give proofs but concentrate on the underlying ideas. Here the online version - now also available in PDF  and DVI  - provides a very flexible tool to experience the dense network of various links between the different branches of operator space theory.

The choice of the individual sections follows the main research interests of the members of the operator algebra group at Saarbrücken.

Sections Authors
Short History Gerd Wittstock, Ina Zimmermann, Matthias Neufang
Operator Spaces and Completely Bounded Mappings Benedikt Betz 
Gerd Wittstock (MIN and MAX)
Hilbertian Operator Spaces Anselm Lambert
Operator Systems and Completely Positive Maps Hans-Jörg Fischer
Multiplicative Structures Matthias Neufang
Tensor Products Gerd Wittstock 
Kim Louis (Exact operator spaces) 
Ina Zimmermann (Module Haagerup tensor product) 
Matthias Neufang
Complete Local Reflexivity Kim Louis
Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings Matthias Neufang
Automatic Complete Boundedness Matthias Neufang
Convexity Benedikt Betz 
Hans-Jörg Fischer
Mapping Spaces Kim Louis
Appendix Gerd Wittstock (Tensor products)
Anselm Lambert (Interpolation) 

Anselm Lambert and Matthias Neufang enjoy the CBFRP (completely bounded final redaction property).

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Diese Seite wird betreut von alambert@math.uni-sb.de