Fachrichtung 6.1 Mathematik, Universität des Saarlandes

Group of Prof. Gekeler

Professor Gekeler is retired since Oct. 1, 2016.

Resarch area

Algebraic number theory,  Automorphic forms,  Arithmetic geometry

Research interests

arithmetic of global function fields

elliptic curves and modular forms

theory of Drinfeld modules and their moduli schemes

applications to
  • geometric class field theory
  • the classification of abelian manifolds
  • the construction of curves with many rational points
  • graph theory


Christine Wilk-Pitz
Building E2 4, Room 423
Tel:+49 681 302-3430  

Former members of the group

Famous ancestors
Lecture notes and homework assignments

Fachrichtung 6.1
Contact flag German Last changes: June 02, 2016