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For a matricially normed space $ X$ the following conditions are equivalent:

a) $ X$ is injective.

b) For each complete isometry $ \iota:X\to Z$ there is a complete contraction $ \pi:Z\to X$ such that $ \pi\iota=\mathrm{id}_X$. I. e. $ X$ is completely contractively projectable in each space containing it as a subspace.

c) For each complete isometry $ \iota:X\to Z$ and each complete contraction $ \varphi:X\to Y$ there is a complete contraction $ \tilde{\varphi}:Z\to Y$ such that $ \tilde{\varphi}\iota=\varphi$. I. e. Complete contractions from $ X$ can be extended completely contractively to any space conaining $ X$ as a subspace.19

d) $ X$ is completely isometric to a completely contractively projectable subspace of $ B(\H)$ for some Hilbert space $ \H$.

e) $ X$ is completely isometric to $ pAq$, where $ A$ is an injective $ C^*$-algebra and $ p$ and $ q$ are projections in $ A$.

Robertson characterized the infinite dimensional injective subspaces of $ B(l_2)$ up to isometry (not complete isometry!). They are $ B(l_2)$, $ l_\infty$, $ l_2$, $ l_\infty\oplus l_2$ and $ \bigoplus_{n\in{\mathbb{N}}}^{L^\infty}l_2$. (Countable $ L^\infty$-direct sums of such are again comletely isometric to one of these.) If an injective subspace of $ B(l_2)$ is isometric to $ l_2$, it is completely isometric to $ {\mathcal{R}}_{l_2}$ or $ {\mathcal{C}}_{l_2}$.


... subspace.19
Equivalently: Completely bounded mappings from $ X$ can be extended with the same norm.

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Prof. Gerd Wittstock 2001-01-07