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Let $ V$ be a complex vector space. An involution on $ V$ is a conjugate linear map $ *:V\rightarrow V$, $ v\mapsto v^*$, such that $ v^{**}=v$. A complex vector space is an involutive vector space if there is an involution on $ V$. Let $ V$ be an involutive vector space. Then $ V_\mathrm{sa}$ is the real vector space of selfadjoint elements of $ V$, i.e. those elements of $ V$, such that $ v^*=v$. An involutive vector space is an ordered vector space if there is a proper cone20 $ V^+\subset V_{\mathrm{sa}}$. The elements of $ V^+$ are called positive and there is an order on $ V_\mathrm{sa}$ defined by $ v\leq w$ if $ w-v\in V^+$ for $ v,w\in V_{\mathrm{sa}}$.

An element $ \mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}\in V^+$ is an order unit if for any $ v\in V_{\mathrm{sa}}$ there is a real number $ t>0$, such that $ -t\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}\leq v\leq t\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}$. If $ V_+$ has an order unit then $ V_{\mathrm{sa}}=V_+-V_+$.

The cone $ V^+$ is called Archimedian if $ w\in -V^+$ whenever there exists $ v\in V_{\mathrm{sa}}$ such that $ tw\leq v$ for all $ t>0$. If there is an order unit $ \mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}$ then $ V_+$ is Archimedian if $ w\in -V^+$ whenever $ tw\leq \mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}$ for all $ t>0$.

Let $ V$ be an ordered vector space. If $ V_+$ is Archimedian and contains a distinguished order unit $ \mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}$ then $ (V,\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l})$ is called an ordered unit space.

Let $ V,W$ be involutive vector spaces. We define an involution $ \star$ on the space $ L(V,W)$ of all linear mappings from $ V\rightarrow W$ by $ \varphi^\star(v)=\varphi(v^*)^*$, $ \varphi\in L(V,W)$. If moreover $ V,W$ are ordered vector spaces, then $ \varphi$ is positive if $ \varphi^\star=\varphi$ and $ \varphi(V^+)\subset W^+$. If $ (V,\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l})$ and $ (W,\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}')$ are ordered unit spaces a positve map $ \varphi:V\rightarrow W$ is called unital if $ \varphi(\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l})=\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}'$.

Let $ V$ be an involutive vector space. Then $ M_n(V)$ is also an involutive vector space by $ [v_{ij}]^*=[v_{ji}^*]$. $ V$ is a matrix ordered vector space if there are proper cones $ M_n(V)^+\subset M_n(V)_{\mathrm{sa}}$ for all $ n\in{\mathbb{N}}$, such that $ \alpha^*M_p(V)^+\alpha\subset M_q(V)^+$ for all $ \alpha\in M_{pq}$ and $ p,q\in{\mathbb{N}}$ holds21. This means that $ (M_n(V)_+)_{n\in{\mathbb{N}}}$ is a matrix cone .

Let $ V,W$ be matrix ordered vector spaces. A linear mapping $ \phi:V\rightarrow W$ is completely positive if $ \phi^{(n)}:M_n(V)\rightarrow M_n(W)$ is positive for all $ n\in{\mathbb{N}}$. A complete order isomorphism22 from $ V$ to $ W$ is a completely positive map from $ V\rightarrow W$ that is bijective, such that the inverse map is completely positive.

The well-known Stinespring theorem for completely positive maps reads [Pau86, Theorem 4.1]:

Let $ A$ be a unital $ C^*$-algebra and let $ \H$ be a Hilbert space. If $ \psi:A\rightarrow B(H)$ is completely positive then there are a Hilbert space $ H_\pi$, a unital $ *$-homomorphism $ \pi:A\rightarrow B(H_\pi)$ and a linear mapping $ V:H\rightarrow H_\pi$, such that $ \psi(a)=V^*\pi(a)V$ for all $ a\in A$.

Let $ V$ be an involutive vector space. Then $ V$ is called an operator system if it is a matrix ordered ordered unit space, such that $ M_n(V)^+$ is Archimedian for all $ n\in{\mathbb{N}}$. In this case $ M_n(V)$ is an ordered unit space with order unit $ \mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}_n=\mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}\otimes{\mathrm{id}}_{M_n}$ for all $ n\in{\mathbb{N}}$, where $ \mathrm{1\!\!\!\:l}\in V_+$ is the distinguished order unit of $ V$ and $ {\mathrm{id}}_{M_n}$ is the unit of $ {\mathbb{M}}_n$.


Let $ \H$ be a Hilbert space. Then, obviously, $ B(\H)$ is an ordered unit space with order unit the identity operator. Using the identification $ M_n(B(\H))=B(\H^n)$ we let $ M_n(B(H))_+=B(H^n)_+$. So we see that $ B(\H)$ is an operator system.

Let $ L$ be an operator system. Then any subspace $ S\subset L$ that is selfadjoint, i.e. $ S^*\subset S$, and contains the order unit of $ L$ is again an operator system with the induced matrix order. So unital $ C^*$-algebras and selfadjoint subspaces of unital $ C^*$-algebras containig the identity are operator systems.

Note that a unital complete order isomorphism between unital $ C^*$-algebras must be a $ *$-isomorphism [Cho74, Corollary 3.2]. So unital $ C^*$-algebras are completely characterized by their matrix order. They are not characterized by their order. For instance take the opposite algebra $ A^{op}$ of a unital $ C^*$-algebra $ A$. Then $ A_+=A_+^{op}$ but $ A$ and $ A^{op}$ are not $ *$-isomorphic. Obviously $ M_2(A)_+\not=M_2(A^{op})_+$.


... cone20
A cone $ K$ is a subset of a vector space, such that $ K+K\subset K$ and $ {\mathbb{R}}_+K\subset K$. If moreover $ (-K)\cap K=\{0\}$ holds, $ K$ is a proper cone.
... holds21
If $ V^+=M_1(V)^+$ is a proper cone, by the matrix condition all the cones $ M_n(V)^+$ will be proper.
... isomorphism22
Note that some authors don't include surjectivity in the definition.

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Prof. Gerd Wittstock 2001-01-07