- algebraische Flächen insbesondere K3 und Enriques Flächen
- irreduzible holomorph symplektische Varietäten
- Automorphismen und Dynamik von Flächen
- quadratische und hermitesche Formen und ihre Anwendung in der algebraischen Geometrie
- Computeralgebra
- Simon Brandhorst, Matthias Zach, Elliptic Fibrations on Vinberg's Most Algebraic K3 Surface, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Serkan Sonel, Davide Cesare Veniani. Idoneal genera and the classification of K3 surfaces covering an Enriques surface, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Víctor González-Alonso, 527 elliptic fibrations on Enriques surfaces, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Grégoire Menet, Stevell Muller, Automorphisms of Nikulin-type orbifolds, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Giacomo Mezzedimi, Borcherds lattices and K3 surfaces of zero entropy, American J. of Math., to appear, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Davide Cesare Veniani. Hensel lifting algorithms for quadratic forms, Math. Comp. 93 (2024), 1963-1991, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Tommy Hofmann. Finite subgroups of automorphisms of K3 surfaces. Forum of Math., Sigma, 11, E54 (2023). arxiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Alberto Cattaneo. Prime order isometries of unimodular lattices and automorphisms of IHS manifolds, IMRN Vol. 2023, Issue 18, pp. 15584–15638 (2022), arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Tommy Hofmann, Appendix by Sven Manthe, Generation of local unitary groups, J. Algebra Vol. 609 (2022), pp. 484-513, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Noam D. Elkies, Equations for a K3 Lehmer map, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 32 (2023), 641-675 , arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Sławomir Rams, Ichiro Shimada. On characteristic polynomials of automorphisms of Enriques surfaces, PRIMS Vol 59, no 3 (2023) , arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Ichiro Shimada, Automorphism groups of certain Enriques surfaces, Found. Comput. Math. 22, pp. 1463–1512 (2022), arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Kenji Hashimoto. Extensions of maximal symplectic actions on K3 surfaces, Ann. H. Lebesgue, Vol. 4 (2021) , pp. 785-809., arXiv.
Simon Brandhorst, Ichiro Shimada. Borcherds' method for Enriques surfaces, Michigan Math. J. 71(1): 3-18 (March 2022), arXiv.
Simon Brandhorst. On the stable dynamical spectrum of complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 377, 421-434 (2020), arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst. The classification of purely non-symplectic automorphisms of high order on K3 surfaces. J. Algebra, 533:229--265, 2019, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Víctor González-Alonso. Automorphisms of minimal entropy on supersingular K3 surfaces, London Math. Soc., 97: 282-305 (2018), arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst. Automorphisms of Salem degree 22 on supersingular K3 surfaces of higher Artin invariant, Math. Res. Let. Vol 25 (2018) No 4, pp. 1143-1150, arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst. Dynamics on supersingular K3 surfaces and automorphisms of Salem degree 22, Nagoya Math. J. Vol 227 (2017), pp. 1-15 , arXiv.
- Simon Brandhorst, Marcel Erné. Tychonoff-like product theorems for local topological properties, Topology Proc. 45 (2015), 121-138, arXiv.
1. Simon Brandhorst, Anne Frübis-Krüger, Matthias Zach. Schemes in OSCAR, Computeralgebra Rundbrief No. 73 (2023)