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NumericalGodeaux :: getP11

getP11 -- the polynomial ring which depends only on the a-variables



For the configuration of base points "1111","22", "211", the quadratic (Pfaffian) relations depend only on 12 a-variables. This procedure gives the polynomial ring depending on these variables. So far, the case "4", where there are 16 a-variables left, has not been studied in detail.

i1 : kk = QQ;
i2 : s = "211";
i3 : (relLin,relPfaf,d1',d2,Ms) = setupGodeaux(kk,s);
i4 : Sa = getP11(relPfaf)

o4 = Sa

o4 : PolynomialRing
i5 : vars Sa

o5 = | a_(0,0,3) a_(0,0,2) a_(0,0,1) a_(1,1,3) a_(1,1,2) a_(1,0,1) a_(2,1,3)
     a_(2,0,3) a_(2,2,2) a_(3,1,3) a_(3,0,3) a_(3,2,2) |

              1        12
o5 : Matrix Sa  <--- Sa

Ways to use getP11 :