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NumericalGodeaux :: globalVariables

globalVariables -- introduce the main variables for the construction



For each configuration of the 4 base points of the bicanonical system, an individual procedure is called. In all cases, A is 7x26 matrix and B a 26x26 skew-symmetric matrix whose unknown entries are represented by the variables of the construction. The possible strings are "1111", "22", "211" or "4". So far, the case "31" has not been treated.

i1 : kk = ZZ/197;
i2 : s = "1111";
i3 : (A,B,subs0) = globalVariables(kk,s);
i4 : kk = QQ;
i5 : s = "22";
i6 : (A,B,subs0) = globalVariables(kk,s);
i7 : (betti A,betti B)

             0  1          0  1
o7 = (total: 7 26, total: 26 26)
          4: 4  .      6:  6  .
          5: 3  6      7: 12  .
          6: . 12      8:  8  8
          7: .  8      9:  . 12
                      10:  .  6

o7 : Sequence

Ways to use globalVariables :