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NumericalGodeaux :: lineConditionsTorsZ5

lineConditionsTorsZ5 -- compute a list of possible loci for Z/5Z-Godeaux surfaces



The order of the torsion group does only depend on the choice of the line in the complete intersection of the quadratic relations Q in 11. A numerical Godeaux surface X with torsion group ℤ/5 has two special reducible bicanonical curves of the form Di+D5-i, where Di ∈|Kx + ti| with a torsion element ti of order i =1,...,4. The rank of the e-matrix drops from three to two at the corresponding two (different) points in 1. Thus, the associated line in Q must intersect the loci given by the 3x3-minors of the e-matrix in two different points. We choose two different 3s in this loci and evaluate the condition that a line through two general points is completely contained in the variety Q. The resulting zero loci decomposes in a union of several surfaces of type 1 × ℙ1 ⊂ ℙ3 × ℙ3 and 2 × ℙ0  ⊂ ℙ3 × ℙ3 or 0 × ℙ2  ⊂ ℙ3 × ℙ3. The last two types do not lead to numerical Godeaux surfaces. Picking a point in one of the 1 ×ℙ1- components gives a line which generically leads to a Godeaux surface with torsion group ℤ/5.

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