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NumericalGodeaux :: singleSolutionMatricesOverP11

singleSolutionMatricesOverP11 -- display the single solution matrices over the P^n of a-variables



The procedure lifts the solution matrix from the function solutionMatrix and its two linear submatrices l1 and l2 to homogeneous matrices over the n of a-variables. In the cases "1111", "22" and "211" we get a 11, hence the name.

i1 : kk = ZZ/197;
i2 : s = "1111";
i3 : (relLin,relPfaf,d1',d2,Ms) = setupGodeaux(kk,s);
i4 : (ma,l1,l2) = singleSolutionMatricesOverP11(relLin);
i5 : (betti ma,betti l1, betti l2)

              0  1          0  1          0  1
o5 = (total: 42 32, total: 12 12, total: 30 20)
         -3: 30 20     -2: 12 12     -3: 30 20
         -2: 12 12

o5 : Sequence

See also

Ways to use singleSolutionMatricesOverP11 :