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UnirationalComponentOf6GonalGenus11Curves :: equisingularDefOfPlaneCurve




Computes a basis of the first order equisingular deformation of a singular plane curve, which is precisely the space of the global sections of the equisingular normal sheaf of the curve.

i1 : p=101; -- a prime number
i2 : time L=random6gonalGenus11CurvekPencil(p,5);
     -- used 2.68876 seconds
i3 : time A=equisingularDefOfPlaneCurve(L_3);
     -- used 0.329016 seconds

              ZZ             1        ZZ             33
o3 : Matrix (---[x , x , x ])  <--- (---[x , x , x ])
             101  0   1   2          101  0   1   2

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