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Summary of results on approximation properties for discrete QGs

More information including citations of original sources is available in the individual articles.

Mutual relationships

Residually finite ⇒ property (F)

Amenable ⇒ Haagerup

Property (T) and (F) ⇒ Residually finite

Property (T) and Haagerup ⇔ finite

Stability results

Products Subgroups Quotients Dual top. gen.
Direct Free Wreath Free wr.
Kirchberg (F)
Resid. finite yes
Kazhdan (T) yes
Haagerup yes yes
Amenable yes no yes

Concrete examples

free CMQG duals (assuming $N$ high enough) half-lib. duals non-unimod. Groups
 $\hat U_N^+$ $\hat O_N^+$ $\hat H_N^+$ $\hat H_N^{s+}$$\hat S_N^+$ $\hat O_N^*$ $\hat H_N^*$ $\hat U_F^+$ $\hat O_F^+$
Kirchberg (F) yes 1) yes 1) yes2) yes2) yes
Resid. finite yes 1) yes 1) yes2) yes2) yes no
Kazhdan (T) no no no no no no no
Haagerup yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Amenable no $N=2$ $N=4$ yes no $N=2$

In addition, any finite quantum group satisfies all the listed approximation properties. Any Abelian discrete quantum group (dual of a compact group) satisfies all the listed approximation properties except for property (T) (Abelian discrete QG has (T) iff it is finite).

1) Proven for $N\neq 3$
2) Proven for $N\ge 4$

Further reading

approximation_properties_summary.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/23 11:56 (external edit)