operator space tensor product
of two operator spaces
is characterized by the following complete isometry:
One can also characterize the projective operator space tensor product by the following universal property [BP91, Def. 5.3]
denotes the operator space of
jointly completely bounded
bilinear mappings.
One also has an explicit expression for the projective operator space tensor norm
of an element
(cf. [ER91, Formel (2.10)])
The projective operator space tensor norm is symmetric , associative and projective [ER91, p. 262]. But it is not injective .
The projective operator space tensor norm is the greatest operator space tensor norm which is a cross norm [BP91, Thm. 5.5].
Its dual norm is the injective operator space tensor norm [BP91, Thm. 5.6]; but the projective operator space tensor norm is not in general the dual of the injective operator space tensor norm even if one of the two spaces involved is finite dimensional [ER90a, p. 168], [ER91, p. 264].