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Up: What are operator spaces?
Previous: Bibliography
- Subindex
- see amplification
- see axioms
- see bilinear mapping
- see C
- see completelely bounded mapping
- see examples
- see Haagerup tensor product
- see Hilbertian operator space
- see injective op. space tensor product
- see lemma of
- see mapping
- see mapping space
- see module homomorphism
- see multilinear mapping
- see operator algebra
- see operator module
- see operator space
- see operator space tensor product
- see projective op. space tensor product
- see special operator spaces
- see theorem of
- absolutely matrix convex
- Matrix convexity
- absolutely matrix convex combination
- Matrix convexity
- abstract operator space
- see operator space
- algebra homomorphism
- Operator algebras
- amplification
- The mappings
- bilinear mapping
- see bilinear mapping
- joint
- see bilinear mapping
- automatic complete boundedness
- Automatic Complete Boundedness
- axioms
- of Ruan
- operator module
- Operator modules
- operator space
- The spaces
- bilinear mapping
- amplification
- Operator algebras
- to quadratic matrices
- Amplification
- to rectangular matrices
- Amplification
- completely bounded
- Operator algebras
| see Haagerup tensor product
| Complete boundedness
- norm
- Complete boundedness
- norm on
th level
- Complete boundedness
- representation
- Representation
- space
- Complete boundedness
- transposition
- Complete boundedness
- joint amplification
- Amplification
- matrix duality
- jointly completely bounded
- see projective operator space tensor product
| Completely bounded bilinear mappings
| Jointly complete boundedness
- norm
- Jointly complete boundedness
- space
- Jointly complete boundedness
- transposition
- Jointly complete boundedness
- linearization
- Amplification
- transposed mapping
- Jointly complete boundedness
- transposed mapping
- Complete boundedness
- bipolar theorem
- Bipolar theorems
- Calkin algebra
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
-ideal property
- Mapping Spaces
-mapping space
- Mapping Spaces
- characterization
- completely locally reflexive operator spaces
- Complete Local Reflexivity
- Christensen
- theorem of
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- column Hilbert space
- see hilbertian operator space
- column norm
- Characterizations
- complete quotient mapping
- see completely bounded mapping
- completely bounded mapping
- The mappings
- complete quotient mapping
- The mappings
- completely contractive
- The mappings
- completely isometric
- The mappings
- completely contractive
- see completely bounded mapping
- completely isometric
- see completely bounded mapping
| The adjoint operator
- completely locally reflexive
- Complete Local Reflexivity
- concrete operator space
- see operator space
- convex combination
- absolutely matrix convex combination
- Matrix convexity
- matrix convex combination
- Matrix convexity
- cross norm
- cross norms
- Examples
| Multiplicative Structures
| Operator algebras
- commutative
- Examples
| Construction of
| Examples
- injective
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
- nuclear
- Examples
- quasi-cyclic
- Automatic Complete Boundedness
- decomposition theorem
- for completely bounded symmetric multilinear mappings
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- for self-adjoint completely bounded bimodule homomorphisms
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
- of Tomiyama-Takesaki
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
- derivations
- completely bounded
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- inner
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- dominate
- The spaces
| Examples
| Examples
- dual
- of an operator space
- see operator space
- operator space tensor norm
- see operator space tensor norm
- operator space tensor product
- see operator space tensor product
- embedding
- canonical
- The dual
| Completely integral mappings
- examples
- Examples
- Haagerup tensor product
- Some formulae for the
- hilbertian operator spaces
- The spaces
- injective op. space tensor product
- Some formulae for the
- module Haagerup tensor product
- Examples
- of operator modules
- Basic examples of operator
- operator algebra
- Operator algebras
| Examples
- operator space
- Examples
| Matrices over an operator
- operator spaces
- completely locally reflexive
- Examples
- projective op. space tensor product
- Some formulae for the
- extension theorem
- for completely bounded module homomorphisms
- Basic examples of operator
- for completely bounded multilinear mappings
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- factorization
- through a column Hilbert space
- see hilbertian operator space
- finite dimensional mappings
- Mapping Spaces
- Grothendieck
-tensor product
- The Haagerup tensor product
-tensor product
- The Haagerup tensor product
- Haagerup tensor
- norm
- infimum formula
- The Haagerup tensor product
- minimum formula
- Some formulae for the
- sum formula
- Some formulae for the
- supremum formula
- Some formulae for the
- product
-tensor product
- The Haagerup tensor product
- interpolation
- The Haagerup tensor product
- involving column Hilbert space
- Some formulae for the
| Some formulae for the
- involving row Hilbert space
- Some formulae for the
| Some formulae for the
- lemma of Blecher and Paulsen
- Some formulae for the
- shuffle map
- Some formulae for the
| Some formulae for the
- tensor matrix product
- Some formulae for the
- hilbertian operator space
- column Hilbert space
- The spaces
- column Hilbert space
- The column Hilbert space
- column Hilbert space

- characterizations
- Characterizations
- column Hilbert space

- factorization through a
- Column Hilbert space factorization
- column Hilbert space

- as an operator algebra
- Examples
- homogeneous
- The spaces
- completely self dual
- The spaces
- maximal
- The spaces
- minimal
- The spaces
- morphisms
- The morphisms
- operator Hilbert space
- The spaces
- operator Hilbert space

- as an operator algebra
- Examples
- operator Hilbert space
- Interpolation
- row Hilbert space
- The spaces
- row Hilbert space

- as an operator algebra
- Examples
- Hochschild cohomology
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- ICM 1986
- Short History
- ideal
- of an operator algebra
- see operator algebra
- Schatten class
- The morphisms
- symmetrically normed
- The morphisms
- ideal property
- Mapping Spaces
- injective operator space
- tensor norm
- tensor product
- and
-tensor product
- Some formulae for the
- interpolation of operator spaces
- Interpolation
- interpolation space
- Interpolation
- intersection of operator spaces
- Intersection and sum
| Intersection and sum
- joint
- amplification
- see bilinear mapping
- jointly completely bounded
- see bilinear mapping!jointly completely bounded
- lemma of
| see theorem of
- Blecher and Paulsen
- Some formulae for the
- Smith
- Smith's lemma
| Automatic Complete Boundedness
- locally reflexive
- Complete Local Reflexivity
- completely
- Complete Local Reflexivity
- M-ideal
- Complete Local Reflexivity
- mapping
- complete quotient mapping
- The adjoint operator
- completely bounded
- Short History
| see completely bounded mapping
- completely integral
- Completely integral mappings
- characterization
- Completely integral mappings
- completely nuclear
- Completely nuclear mappings
- characterization
- Completely nuclear mappings
- completely positive
- Short History
- Hilbert-Schmidt
- The morphisms
- integral
- Completely integral mappings
- nuclear
- The morphisms
| Completely nuclear mappings
- shuffle
- see operator space tensor product
| Operator space tensor products
- mapping space
| see Abbildungsraum
- completely integral mappings
- Completely integral mappings
- completely nuclear mappings
- Completely nuclear mappings
- matricially normed space
- see space
| The spaces
- matrix
- set of matrices
- Matrix convexity
- matrix cone
- Matrix convexity
- matrix convex
- Matrix convexity
- absolutely
- Matrix convexity
- matrix convex combination
- Matrix convexity
- matrix duality
- see bilinear mapping
- matrix multiplication
- Operator algebras
- matrix polar
- Bipolar theorems
- absolute
- Bipolar theorems
- module homomorphism
- completely bounded
- decomposition theorem
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
- extension theorem
- Basic examples of operator
- module Haagerup tensor product
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
| Examples
- representation
- Basic examples of operator
- representation theorem for
- Basic examples of operator
- normal
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
- self-adjoint
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
- singular
- Completely bounded module homomorphisms
- multilinear mapping
- amplification
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- completely bounded
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- extension theorem
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- representation theorem
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- completely bounded symmetric
- decomposition theorem
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- linearization
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- Haagerup tensor product
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- multimodular
- Automatic Complete Boundedness
- normal
- module homomorphism
- see module homomorphism
- operator
- 2-summing
- The morphisms
- adjoint
- The adjoint operator
- operator algebra
- abstract
- Operator algebras
- concrete
- Operator algebras
- ideal in an
- Operator algebras
- Ruan's theorem
- Operator algebras
- operator ideal
- Mapping Spaces
- operator module
- see module homomorphisms
- Operator modules
- abstract
- Operator modules
- concrete
- Operator modules
- examples
- Basic examples of operator
- operator bimodule
- Operator modules
- representation theorem
- Operator modules
- operator space
- Short History
| The spaces
- abstract
- Ruan's theorem
- completely locally reflexive
- Complete Local Reflexivity
- concrete
- Examples
| Ruan's theorem
- dual
- The dual
- finite dimensional
- Complete Local Reflexivity
- hilbertian
- The spaces
| see hilbertian operator space
- homogeneous
- The mappings
- completely self dual
- see hilbertian operator space
- injective
- The column Hilbert space
- interpolated
- Interpolation
- matrix level
- The spaces
| Matrices over an operator
- maximal
| Bipolar theorems
- minimal
| Bipolar theorems
- operator space norm
- The spaces
- quotient of
- Subspaces and quotients
- reflexive
- Some formulae
- subspace of
- Subspaces and quotients
- operator space tensor
- norm
- Haagerup
- see Haagerup tensor norm
- injective
- see injective
- maximal
- see projective
- minimal
- see injective
- projective
- see projective
- spatial
- see injective
- product
- associativity of
- Operator space tensor products
- axioms
- Operator space tensor products
- cross norm
- cross norms
- Haagerup
- see Haagerup tensor product
- injective
- see injective
- injectivity of
- Operator space tensor products
- maximal
- see projective
- minimal
- see injective
- projective
- see projective
- projectivity of
- Operator space tensor products
- self-duality of
- Operator space tensor products
- shuffle mapping
- spatial
- see injective
- symmetry of
- Operator space tensor products
- operator space tensor norm
- projective
- Completely nuclear mappings
- operator systems
- Short History
- Paulsen
- conjecture of
- The morphisms
- projective operator space
- tensor norm
- tensor product
- and
-tensor product
- Some formulae for the
- column Hilbert space
- Some formulae for the
- Fourier algebra
- Some formulae for the
- predual of a von Neumann algebra
- Some formulae for the
- row Hilbert space
- Some formulae for the
- quasi-cyclic
- Automatic Complete Boundedness
- quotient
- of an operator space
- see operator space
- quotient mapping
- complete
- see mapping
- representation theorem
- for completely bounded module homomorphisms
- Basic examples of operator
- for completely bounded multilinear mappings
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- operator modules
- Operator modules
- row Hilbert space
- see hilbertian operator space
- row norm
- Characterizations
- Ruan
- axioms
- operator modules
- Operator modules
- operator space
- The spaces
- theorem of
- Ruan's theorem
- Schur product
- Examples
- self-adjoint
- algebra in
- Operator algebras
- separation theorem
- Separation theorems
- set of matrices
- Matrix convexity
- shuffle mapping
- see operator space tensor product
| Operator space tensor products
- similarity problem
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- singular
- module homomorphism
- see module homomorphism
- special operator spaces
- The space
- intersection of operator spaces
- Intersection and sum
- operator Hilbert space
- Interpolation
- sum of op. spaces
- Intersection and sum
- standard dual
- The dual
- Basic examples of operator
- state space
- generalized
- Matrix extreme points
- structural element
- Matrix extreme points
- subspace
- of an operator space
- see operator space
- sum of operator spaces
- Intersection and sum
| Intersection and sum
- tensor norm
- of operator spaces
- see operator space tensor norm
- tensor product
- of operator spaces
- see operator space tensor product
- cross norm
- cross norms
- Haagerup
- see Haagerup
- theorem
- bipolar theorem
- Bipolar theorems
- separation theorem
- Separation theorems
- theorem of
| see lemma of
- Christensen
- Completely Bounded Multilinear Mappings
- Ruan
- Ruan's theorem
- for operator algebras
- Operator algebras
- topology
- non commutative
- Short History
Prof. Gerd Wittstock