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KoszulDivisorOnPic14M8 :: experiment1

experiment1 -- count the number of curves with extra syzygies and their ranks



We compute N random examples of normal curves of genus 8 and degree 14 in P6 and count how often extra syzygies occur and what the rank of the syzygy is. For a given prime p it is reasonable to take N=p2.
i1 : kk=ZZ/7;R=kk[x_0..x_6];
i3 : setRandomSeed("quickly")

o3 = 121192488220970
i4 : time experiment1(7,3)
     -- used 20.5045 seconds

                   0 1
o4 = Tally{(total: 1 7, -1) => 2}
                0: 1 .
                1: . 7
                   0 1
           (total: 1 8, 6) => 1
                0: 1 .
                1: . 7
                2: . 1

o4 : Tally
Rank -1 means that, there is not precisely one extra syzygy.