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NodalCurves :: syzygiesOfTorsionBundle

syzygiesOfTorsionBundle -- compute syzygies of a Torsion bundles in a Prym canonical embedding for a g-nodal rational random example.



Let (C, L) be a general curve of even genus g and L ∈  Pic0(C) an n-torsion bundle. In Chiodo, Eisenbud, Farkas, Schreyer, [2012] (HREF has to be corrected) it is conjectured that the syzygies of the module of global sections H0*(Pg-2,KC ⊗Lk) as an Sym H0(C,KC ⊗L) module are pure unless g ≡2 mod 4, binomial(g-3,g/2-1) ≡1 mod 2 and L is 2k-1 torsion. In the exceptional cases we conjecture precisely one extra syzygy.

With this function the conjecture can be verified for small g by computing the syzygies of a random g-nodal example over a finite ground field, and arguing by semi-continuity of Betti numbers.
i1 : time fM=syzygiesOfTorsionBundle(8,3,2,Printing=>true);
naively expected syzygies:
       0  1  2  3  4 5
total: 7 28 35 35 28 7
    0: 7 28 35  .  . .
    1: .  .  . 35 28 7
linear strand in the example:
       0  1  2
total: 7 28 35
    0: 7 28 35
     -- used 0.663584 seconds
i2 : time fM=syzygiesOfTorsionBundle(6,3,2,Printing=>true);
warning: clearing value of symbol t to allow access to subscripted variables based on it
       : debug with expression   debug 5504   or with command line option   --debug 5504
naively expected syzygies:
       0  1  2 3
total: 5 10 10 5
    0: 5 10  . .
    1: .  . 10 5
linear strand in the example:
       0  1 2
total: 5 10 1
    0: 5 10 1
     -- used 0.125642 seconds
i3 : time fM=syzygiesOfTorsionBundle(6,5,2,Printing=>true);
warning: clearing value of symbol t to allow access to subscripted variables based on it
       : debug with expression   debug 5504   or with command line option   --debug 5504
naively expected syzygies:
       0  1  2 3
total: 5 10 10 5
    0: 5 10  . .
    1: .  . 10 5
linear strand in the example:
       0  1
total: 5 10
    0: 5 10
     -- used 0.185291 seconds
i4 : time fM=syzygiesOfTorsionBundle(6,5,3,Printing=>true);
warning: clearing value of symbol t to allow access to subscripted variables based on it
       : debug with expression   debug 5504   or with command line option   --debug 5504
naively expected syzygies:
       0  1  2 3
total: 5 10 10 5
    0: 5 10  . .
    1: .  . 10 5
linear strand in the example:
       0  1 2
total: 5 10 1
    0: 5 10 1
     -- used 0.149836 seconds

Ways to use syzygiesOfTorsionBundle :

  • syzygiesOfTorsionBundle(ZZ,ZZ,ZZ)