Prof. Dr. Moritz Weber

Research interest
List of publications
    - in peer reviewed journals
    - monographs
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    - further publications
Further publications by students under my supervision
My articles on Google Scholar
My articles on Math Sci Net
My articles on arXiv
PI in the SFB-TRR 195
Editor of Analysis Mathematica

Research interest

My research is on compact quantum groups. I am working at the intersection of analysis, algebra and combinatorics, with links to free probability. Amongst others, I am primarily interested in symmetry structures within any framework, in particular a noncommutative one, i.e. structures involving noncommutative algebras arising in the context of operators on Hilbert spaces, matrices in linear algebra or observables in quantum physics, just to name a few. I am investigating compact quantum groups from different perspectives, using various methods interfering with many other areas of mathematics such as:
  • Functional analysis: (universal) C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, K-Theory
  • Algebra: Hopf algebras, automorphisms of graphs, computer algebra
  • Combinatorics: partitions of sets, finite graphs, counting problems
  • Topology, cohomology: noncommutative topology (C*-algebras), K-Theory, (Hochschild) cohomology
  • Quantum symmetries: "easy" quantum groups, noncommutative harmonic analysis, quantum automorphisms of graphs
  • Geometry: noncommutative geometry, notions of symmetry, deformation/quantization
  • Tensor categories: representation theory of quantum groups, Schur-Weyl results
  • Quantum information theory: graph isomorphism games, construction of highly entangled quantum states
  • Stochastical methods: distributional symmetries, free probability, Lévy processes
My main expertise is around "easy" quantum groups and the strategy to express analytic, algebraic or representation theoretical properties by purely combinatorial means.

What actually is Quantum Symmetry (Oberwolfach Snapshot)?

Moritz Weber, Stefan Jung, Laura Maaßen, Daniel Gromada, Simon Schmidt, Alexander Mang (May 2019)
PhD students

Member (PI) of the SFB-TRR 195

Since 1 January 2017, I am one of the PI's of the SFB-TRR 195 Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Applications (RWTH Aachen, TU Kaiserslautern, Saarland University, and others), funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation).
My project in the first phase (2017-2020) was: I.13 - Computational classification of orthogonal quantum groups.
My project in the second phase (2021-2024) is: A25 - Quantum symmetries and quantum isomorphisms of graphs

Editor of Analysis Mathematica

Since January 2019, I am an editor of Analysis Mathematica for the area functional analysis, operator algebras and quantum groups. Submissions welcome!

Alternative journals with editors coming from operator algebras may be found on a list by Hannes Thiel.



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Weber, M.
Basiswissen Mathematik auf Arabisch und Deutsch
Springer Spektrum, 2018
168 pages

Dieses Lehrbuch ist speziell für angehende Studierende mit arabischem Sprachhintergrund verfasst, die ein Studium im deutschen Sprachraum aufnehmen wollen. Um ihnen sowohl den sprachlichen als auch den fachlichen Einstieg zu erleichtern, ist die Gestaltung zweisprachig. Dies ermöglicht sowohl das Anknüpfen an bekannte Inhalte in der Muttersprache als auch das Erlernen der deutschen Begriffe. Inhaltlich frischt das Buch sehr konzentriert und konkret das nötigste mathematische Abiturwissen auf, das in Studiengängen wie Mathematik, Informatik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften vorausgesetzt wird. Das Buch ist grob in Analysis und Algebra gegliedert und beinhaltet möglichst wenige formale Definitionen, dafür aber viele anschauliche Beispiele und Verfahren sowie Beispielaufgaben.

Voiculescu, Dan-Virgil; Stammeier, Nicolai; Weber, M. (eds)
Free probability and operator algebras
Münster Lecture Notes in Mathematics
European Mathematical Society (EMS)
132 pages
Zürich, 2016

Free probability is a probability theory dealing with variables having the highest degree of noncommutativity, an aspect found in many areas (quantum mechanics, free group algebras, random matrices etc). Thirty years after its foundation, it is a well-established and very active field of mathematics. Originating from Voiculescu's attempt to solve the free group factor problem in operator algebras, free probability has important connections with random matrix theory, combinatorics, harmonic analysis, representation theory of large groups, and wireless communication.
These lecture notes arose from a masterclass in Münster, Germany and present the state of free probability from an operator algebraic perspective. This volume includes introductory lectures on random matrices and combinatorics of free probability (Speicher), free monotone transport (Shlyakhtenko), free group factors (Dykema), free convolution (Bercovici), easy quantum groups (Weber), and a historical review with an outlook (Voiculescu). In order to make it more accessible, the exposition features a chapter on basics in free probability, and exercises for each part.
This book is aimed at master students to early career researchers familiar with basic notions and concepts from operator algebras.

Chapters in monographs

in peer reviewed journals

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Further publications

Further publications by students under my supervision

updated: 11 March 2021   Moritz Weber Impressum