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The spaces

Let $ X$ be a complex vector space. A matrix seminorm [EW97b] is a family of mappings $ \Vert\cdot\Vert:M_n(X)\to{\mathbb{R}}$, one on each matrix level1 $ M_n(X)=M_n\otimes X$ for $ n\in{\mathbb{N}}$, such that
(R1) $ \Vert\alpha x\beta\Vert\leqslant\Vert\alpha\Vert\Vert x\Vert\Vert\beta\Vert$ for all $ x\in M_n(X)$, $ \alpha\in M_{m,n}$, $ \beta\in M_{n,m}$
(R2) $ \Vert x\oplus y\Vert=\max\{\Vert x\Vert,\Vert y\Vert\}$ for all $ x\in M_n(X)$, $ y\in M_m(X)$.2

Then every one of these mappings $ \Vert\cdot\Vert:M_n(X)\to{\mathbb{R}}$ is a seminorm. If one (and then every one) of them is definite, the operator space seminorm is called a matrix norm.

A matricially normed space is a complex vector space with a matrix norm. It can be defined equivalently, and is usually defined in the literature, as a complex vector space with a family of norms with (R1) and (R2) on its matrix levels.

If $ M_n(X)$ with this norm is complete for one $ n$ (and then for all $ n$), then $ X$ is called an operator space3([Rua88], cf. [Wit84a]).

For a matricially normed space (operator space) $ X$ the spaces $ M_n(X)$ are normed spaces (Banach spaces).4These are called the matrix levels of $ X$ (first matrix level, second level...).

The operator space norms on a fixed vector space $ X$ are partially ordered by the pointwise order on each matrix level $ M_n(X)$. One says that a greater operator space norm dominates a smaller one.


... level1
The term matrix level is to be found for instance in
It suffices to show one of the following two weaker conditions:
(R1$ {}^\prime$) $ \Vert\alpha x\beta\Vert\leqslant\Vert\alpha\Vert\Vert x\Vert\Vert\beta\Vert$ for all $ x\in M_n(X)$, $ \alpha\in M_{n}$, $ \beta\in M_{n}$,
(R2) $ \Vert x\oplus y\Vert=\max\{\Vert x\Vert,\Vert y\Vert\}$ for all $ x\in M_n(X)$, $ y\in M_m(X)$,
which is often found in the literature, or
(R1) $ \Vert\alpha x\beta\Vert\leqslant\Vert\alpha\Vert\Vert x\Vert\Vert\beta\Vert$ for all $ x\in M_n(X)$, $ \alpha\in M_{m,n}$, $ \beta\in M_{n,m}$,
(R2$ {}^\prime$) $ \Vert x\oplus y\Vert\leqslant\max\{\Vert x\Vert,\Vert y\Vert\}$ for all $ x\in M_n(X)$, $ y\in M_m(X)$,
which seems to be appropriate in convexity theory .
... space3
In the literature, the terminology is not conseqent. We propose this distinction between matricially normed space and operator space in analogy with normed space and Banach space.
... spaces).4
In the literature, the normed space $ M_1(X)$ usually is denoted also by $ X$. We found that a more distinctive notation is sometimes usefull.

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Prof. Gerd Wittstock 2001-01-07