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MatFacCurvesP4 :: idealFromMatFac

idealFromMatFac -- the ideal of a curve constructed from a matrix factorization



The function takes the first map psi of a matrix factorization and the shape of the monad and realizes a random monad with such shape, from which the ideal of a curve is then constructed. The shape B should be a subtable of betti psi

i1 : p=32009;
i2 : Fp=ZZ/p;
i3 : S=Fp[x_0..x_4];
i4 : time singC=singularCurveInP4(S,12,14);
     -- used 4.29716 seconds

o4 : Ideal of S
i5 : omegaSingC=Ext^2(singC,S^{ -5}); -- canonical module of C
i6 : fomegaSing=res omegaSingC;
i7 : sM=S^{ -5}**coker transpose fomegaSing.dd_3;
i8 : (psi,phi)=matrixFactorizationFromModule(sM);
i9 : betti psi

             0  1
o9 = total: 17 17
         0: 15  2
         1:  2 15

o9 : BettiTally
i10 : monadShape=betti map(S^{2:-1},S^{2:-1,2:-2},0)

             0 1
o10 = total: 2 4
          0: . 2
          1: 2 2

o10 : BettiTally
i11 : IC=idealFromMatFac(psi, monadShape);

o11 : Ideal of S
i12 : betti res IC

             0 1  2  3 4
o12 = total: 1 9 18 12 2
          0: 1 .  .  . .
          1: . .  .  . .
          2: . 4  .  . .
          3: . 5 18 12 2

o12 : BettiTally


The function is implemented specifically for the cases of interest of the paper and might produce bizarre results, if any, in other non-verified cases.

Ways to use idealFromMatFac :