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UnirationalBNSchemes :: UnirationalBNSchemes

UnirationalBNSchemes -- Unirationality of Brill-Noether spaces of curves with three pencils


This package implements the methods of the Ph.D thesis, serves as supporting code for the computational proves it contains.

Auxiliary functions

  • expHilbFuncIdealSheaf -- computes the expected number of sections for the ideal sheaf of a curve under the maximal rank condition
  • linkedDegree -- computes the degree of the linked curve
  • linkedGenus -- computes the genus of the linked curve
  • checkLiaison -- checks whether we can have and reverse the liaison construction for a general curve
  • genusP1P1P1 -- computes the genus of a curve embedded in P1*P1*P1

Main functions

  • curveViaLiaison -- construct the curve, linked to a rational curve via complete intersections
  • isSmoothAndIrreducible -- checks whether a curve is smooth and irreducible
  • maxRankCondition -- checks whether a curve satisfies the maximal rank condition in special degree


This package requires Macaulay2 Version 1.10 or newer



This documentation describes version 1.10 of UnirationalBNSchemes.

Source code

The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file UnirationalBNSchemes.m2.


  • Functions and commands
    • checkLiaison -- checks whether we can have and reverse the liaison construction for a general curve
    • curveViaLiaison -- construct the curve, linked to a rational curve via complete intersections
    • expHilbFuncIdealSheaf -- computes the expected number of sections for the ideal sheaf of a curve under the maximal rank condition
    • genusP1P1P1 -- computes the genus of a curve embedded in P1*P1*P1
    • isSmoothAndIrreducible -- checks whether a curve is smooth and irreducible
    • linkedDegree -- computes the degree of the linked curve
    • linkedGenus -- computes the genus of the linked curve
    • maxRankCondition -- checks whether a curve satisfies the maximal rank condition in special degree