With the following
operator space structures , is completely isometrically
isomorphic to an operator algebra:
More generally: The space is completely isometrically isomorphic to an operator algebra, if endowed with an operator space
structure which
dominates both
With the following operator space structures, is not completely isomorphic to an operator algebra:
More generally: The space is not completely isomorphic to an operator algebra,
if endowed with an operator space structure which is
dominated by both
In the extreme cases resp.
, we have two opposite results [BLM95, Thm. 3.1]:
the following holds true (cf. [BLM95, Thm. 3.4]):
On the contrary, the operator space structure on the spaces obtained
via complex
always defines an operator algebra structure.
More precisely [BLM95, Cor. 3.3]:
For each
is completely isometrically
isomorphic to an operator algebra.
We write for the operator space structure defined on
by G. Pisier. This operator space structure is obtained by
complex interpolation between
Caution is advised: The space (and likewise
), whether endowed with the usual or the Schur product,
is not completely isomorphic to an operator algebra [BLM95, Thm. 6.3].