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Complete boundedness

For the definition of the completely bounded bilinear maps we need the amplification $ \Phi^{(n)}$, the linearization $ \tilde\Phi : X \otimes Y \rightarrow Z$. and the tensor matrix multiplication $ x \odot y $ of operator matrices $ x$, $ y$. A bilinear mapping $ \Phi: X \times Y \rightarrow Z$, $ n\in{\mathbb{N}}$ is called completely bounded if

$\displaystyle \Vert\Phi\Vert _\mathrm{cb}:= \sup \Vert \Phi^{(n)}(x, y)\Vert
< \infty

where $ n\in{\mathbb{N}}$, $ x \in \mathrm{Ball}(M_{n}(X))$, $ y \in \mathrm{Ball}(M_{n}(Y))$. The norm $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _\mathrm{cb}$ equals the norm $ \Vert\tilde\Phi\Vert _\mathrm{cb}$ of the linearization

$\displaystyle \tilde\Phi : X \otimes_h Y \rightarrow Z

on the Haagerup tensor product. Furthermore, the norms $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _n$ are obtained using the tensor matrix products of all 49 rectangular matrices of $ n$ rows resp. $ n$ columns:

$\displaystyle \Vert\Phi\Vert _n :=
\sup \Vert \Phi^{(n,l)}(x , y)\Vert

where $ l \in {\mathbb{N}}$, $ x \in \mathrm{Ball}(M_{n,l}(X))$, $ y \in \mathrm{Ball}(M_{l,n}(Y))$. We have

$\displaystyle \Vert\Phi\Vert _\mathrm{cb}= \sup \left\{ \Vert\Phi\Vert _n \ : \ n \in {\mathbb{N}}\right\}.

The norm $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _n$ equals the norm $ \Vert\tilde\Phi^{(n)}\Vert$ of the amplification of the linearization

$\displaystyle \tilde\Phi^{(n)} : M_n(X \otimes_h Y) \rightarrow M_n(Z)

on the Haagerup tensor product. A bilinear form $ \Phi$ is already seen to be completely bounded if $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _1 < \infty$. Then we have $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _\mathrm{cb}= \Vert\Phi\Vert _1$.50 $ \mathit{CB}(X \times Y; Z)$ denotes the operator space consisting of completely bounded bilinear maps. One obtains a norm on each matrix level using the identification

$\displaystyle M_n(\mathit{CB}(X \times Y;Z)) = \mathit{CB}(X \times Y; {\mathbb{M}}_n(Z)).

Corresponding to the completely bounded bilinear maps we have the linear maps which are completely bounded on the Haagerup tensor product . The identification

$\displaystyle \mathit{CB}(X \times Y; Z) \stackrel{\mathrm{cb}}{=}\mathit{CB}(X \otimes_h Y; Z)

holds completely isometrically. Completely bounded bilinear mappings are in particular jointly completely bounded. The embedding $ \mathit{CB}(X \times Y; Z) \subset \mathit{JCB}(X \times Y;Z)$ is a complete contraction. The transpose $ \Phi^t(y,x) := \Phi(x,y)$ of a completely bounded bilinear mapping $ \Phi$ in general is not completely bounded.51 For completely bounded bilinear (and, more generally, multilinear) maps $ \Phi \in \mathit{CB}(A \times B; B(\H))$ we have some generalizations of Stinespring's representation theorem.


... all49
Note that the norm of the bilinear map

$\displaystyle \Phi^{(n)}: M_n(x) \otimes M_n(Y) \rightarrow M_n(Z)

in general is smaller than the norm $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _n$.
More generally, the equation $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _\mathrm{cb}= \Vert\Phi\Vert _1$ holds for bilinear maps with values in a commutative C$ ^*$-algebra $ A$ since every bounded linear map taking values in $ A$ is automatically completely bounded and $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _{\mathrm{cb}}=\Vert\Phi\Vert$ [Loe75, Lemma 1]. For bilinear maps $ \Phi : X \times Y \rightarrow M_n(A)$ we have $ \Vert\Phi\Vert _\mathrm{cb}= \Vert\Phi\Vert _n$.
To this corresponds the fact that the Haagerup tensor product is not symmetric.

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Prof. Gerd Wittstock 2001-01-07