s Moritz Weber Lehre

Prof. Dr. Moritz Weber

Universal C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras

(Winter term 2021/2022)


There is an MS Teams with no. 133868. Please request the link from Moritz Weber.


Thursday, 14-16

The language of the course is English, by default, unless all participants speak German.

In this lecture, which is a continuation of the lecture Functional Analysis 2b (Operator algebras), we will focus on examples of universal C*-algebras (such as the Toeplitz algebra, the Cuntz algebra and the irrational rotation algebra) before we give an introduction to von Neumann algebras (bicommutant theorem, factors, type classification etc).


We will treat Chapters 6 and 7 of the following script:
ISem24 Lecture Notes
See also the references below.


How to obtain the credit points

In order to obtain the credit points for this course, you must actively take part in the exercise sessions
and pass the oral exams at the end of the term which are the basis for your grade.


Books on operator algebras/C*-algebras: Books and lecture notes on von Neumann algebras:

Updated: 31 August 2021  Moritz Weber