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$ C^*$-extreme points

Let $ A$ be an unital $ C^*$-algebra and $ Y\subset A$. The $ C^*$-convex hull of $ Y$ is the smallest $ C^*$-convex set that contains $ Y$.

Suppose $ K\subset A$ is $ C^*$-convex. Then $ x\in K$ is a $ C^*$-extreme point, if whenever $ x=\sum_{i=1}^{n} a_i^*x_ia_i$ is a $ C^*$-convex combination of $ x_i\in K$ with invertible $ a_i\in A$, then there are unitaries $ u_i\in A$ such that $ x=u_i^*x_iu_i$ for $ i=1,\ldots,n$.

Suppose now $ A=M_n$ and let $ K\subset M_n$ be compact and $ C^*$-convex. Let $ \tilde{K}$ be the matrix convex hull of $ K$. Then $ \tilde{K}$ is a simple compact and matrix convex set in $ {\mathbb{C}}$, such that $ \tilde{K}_n=K$ ([Fis96]). Thus it is possible to conceive a $ C^*$-convex subset of $ M_n$ as a matrix convex set in $ {\mathbb{C}}$. Now the matrix convex Krein-Milman theorem can be used. Moreover, it follows from the work of Farenick and Morenz that the structural elements of $ \tilde{K}_n$ are exactly the not reducible $ C^*$-extreme points of $ K$. So following theorem holds: Let $ K\subset M_n$ be compact and $ C^*$-convex, then $ K$ is equal to the $ C^*$-convex hull of its $ C^*$-extreme points.

In order to get a somewhat more general result, the definition of the extreme points can be changed. Suppose that $ R$ is a hyperfinite factor and that $ K\subset R$ is $ C^*$-convex. Then $ x\in K$ is a $ R$-extreme point, if whenever $ x=\sum_{i=1}^{n} a_ix_ia_i$ is a $ C^*$-convex combination of $ x_i\in K$ such that all $ a_i\in A$ are positive and invertible, then it follows that $ x=x_i$ and $ a_ix=xa_i$ forr $ i=1,\ldots,n$.67

With this definition following theorem hold: Let $ K\subset R$ be $ C^*$-convex and weak* compact. Then $ K$ is equal to the weak* closure of the $ C^*$-convex hull of its $ R$-extreme points.


If $ R=M_n$ the $ R$-extreme points are exactly the $ C^*$-extreme points. In general every $ R$-extreme point is also $ C^*$-extreme, but not vice versa.

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Prof. Gerd Wittstock 2001-01-07