MatFac15 -- Constructions of curves of genus 15
Using the method of
Matrix factorizations and families of curves of genus 15 we construct via matrix factorization on cubics 3-folds in P^4 families of curves of genus 15.
Up to degree zero computations of Hom groups
- Hom0 -- compute the degree 0 part of a Hom group
- homomorphism0 -- compute the homomorphism corresponding to an element in Hom0
Main steps in the computation
Construction of families
- constructEx1 -- randomly choose a module N with Betti table as indicated in o4 below
- constructEx2 -- randomly choose a module N with Betti table as indicated in o4 below
- constructEx3 -- randomly choose a module N with Betti table as indicated in o4 below
- constructEx4 -- randomly choose a module N with Betti table as indicated in o4 below
- constructEx5 -- randomly choose a module N with Betti table as indicated in o4 below
- constructEx6 -- randomly choose a module N with Betti table as indicated in o4 below
- randomKRationalPoint -- Pick a random K rational point on the scheme X defined by I
- randomCurveOfGenus15 -- choose randomly a curve of genus 15
All assertions of the paper
Creation of candidate modules
- BSCandidates -- compute Boij-Soederberg points in the cone of resolution which could lead to the given a matrix factorization
- allCandidates -- compute the 39 integral points in the Boij-Soederberg
This documentation describes version 0.8 of MatFac15.
Source code
The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file
- attempts -- optional argument in randomCurvesOfGenus15
- certify -- optional argument in randomCurvesOfGenus15
- printTimings (missing documentation)