Dr. Tobias Mai

Research group Prof. Dr. Speicher
Free Probability Theory

Saarland University
Faculty of Mathematics
D-66123 Saarbruecken

room 225 (building E 2 4)
phone:   +49-681-302-3006
mail:   mai [at] math.uni-sb.de

postal address
Universitaet des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung Mathematik
Postfach 151150
D-66041 Saarbruecken


2017 PhD in Mathematics at Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roland Speicher
PhD Thesis: On the analytic theory of non-commutative distributions in free probability
2011 Master of Science (Mathematics) at Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ernst Albrecht
Master Thesis: On the Theory of Faber Polynomials (in German)
(Course of studies finished on October 25, 2010)
2009 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) at Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ernst Albrecht
Bachelor Thesis: Compactness Criteria for Composition Operators on Bergman Type Spaces (in German)
(Date of the last examination: October 15, 2008)
2005 General Higher Education Entrance Qualification ("Allgemeine Hochschulreife"),
Arnold-Janssen-Gymnasium St. Wendel

Distinctions and awards


Winter term 2020/2021: Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure I (Assistant)
Summer term 2020: Potential Theory in the Complex Plane (Lecturer)
Seminar on Gaussian Hilbert Spaces (Lecturer)
Winter term 2019/2020: Seminar on graph theory (Lecturer)
Mathematics for Natural Scientists I (Assistant)
Summer term 2019: Introduction to Noncommutative Differential Geometry (Lecturer)
Summer term 2018: Operator algebras (Functional analysis II) (Lecturer)
Reading Seminar: A Mathematical Introduction to Modern Physics (Assistant)
Winter term 2017/2018: Complex Analysis II (Lecturer)
Seminar on The Millenium Prize Problems (Lecturer)
Summer term 2017: Complex Analysis (Lecturer)
Summer term 2016: Von Neumann algebras, subfactors, and planar algebras (Assistant)
Winter term 2015/2016: Real Analysis I (Assistant)
Research seminar / Seminar "Ramanujan graphs of all degrees" (Assistant)
Summer term 2015: Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Assistant)
Winter term 2014/2015: Noncommutative Distributions (Assistant)
Summer term 2014: Seminar "Noncommutative Function Theory (Free Analysis)" (Assistant)
Winter term 2013/2014: Random Matrices and Free Entropy (Assistant)
Winter term 2012/2013: Complex Analysis II (Lecturer)
Summer term 2012: Complex Analysis (Assistant)
Winter term 2011/2012: Real Analysis III (Assistant)
Summer term 2011: Seminar "Fourier Analysis" (Assistant)

Conferences and Seminars








updated: 9 June 2021   Tobias Mai Impressum