General Information

First lecture
Wednesday, 18/10/17, 12 pm
On Wednesdays, 12 pm, lecture room IV
The lecture is an introduction into set-theoretic topology. The topics of the lecture include: compactness, product topologies, Urysohn's Lemma and Tietze's Extension theorem, continuous partitions of unity, metrization theorems, Stone-Weierstraß theorem.
Analysis I, Analysis II
Office hours
You can come to office 416 in building E2 4 at any time if you have questions about the organization or the content of this lecture.


50% of the achievable points from the exercise sheets; Passing of an exam
Type of exam
Written exam
Examination dates
The results of the second exam can be found hier. If you want to take a look at your exam, please write to to fix an appointment. The results of the first exam can be found hier. The first written exam will take place on the 5th of February in 2018 in lecture room 3 at 9 am. The second written exam will take place on the 6th of April in 2018 in lecture room 3 at 9 pm. Both exams will be written and take 3 hours. You will be allowed to bring a handwritten two-sided DinA4 sheet, but no further auxilliary materials are permitted. To pass this lecture, you only need to pass one of the exams.

Tutorials service

Exercise groups
The exercise group will take place on Thursdays, 16-18 in lecture room IV (same room as the lecture). The first exercise group will take place on the 2nd of November in 2017. Exceptionally, the exercise group will take place in lecture room III on the 30th of November in 2017 due to a PHD colloquiuum,.

Additional notes about the Exercises

Remarks 4 Remarks 5 Remarks 6 Remarks 7 Remarks 8 Remarks 9

Literature and lecture notes

Lecture notes
Unfortunately, Chapter 1 only exists in German. Starting with Chapter 2, the lecture notes will be in English.

In the lecture, we noticed that in the proof of Theorem 3.4 in Chapter 3, while etablishing the well-definedness of F, one Delta is chosen wrongly in the downloadable lecture notes.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 (not 13)
Lecture notes by a student

A student of this course kindly offered to give me his Latex lecture notes for this course. No guarantee for the content is given.

Lecture notes
The following books can be found in the course reserve:
- Querenburg, Mengentheoretische Topologie, Springer.
- Munkres, Topology. A First Course, Prentice Hall.
- Simmons, Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill.
- Kelley, General Topology, van Nostrand.
- Runde, A Taste of Topology, Springer.